Lesson 3: Learn how to read in Russian

There are eight letters in Russian that look like their English counterparts (or even digits) but have different pronunciation.

Вв - sounds like "v" in voice.

Зз - sounds like "z" in zeal.

Нн - sounds like "n" in noon. The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth.

Рр - sounds like "r" in rest but rolled.

Сс - sounds like "s" in sun. The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth.

Уу - sounds like "oo" in noodles. This sound is pronounced shorter than in English, with lips more rounded and protruded.

Чч - sounds like "ch" in church.

Хх - sounds like "ch" in loch when pronounced in Scottish manner. It remotely reminds "h" in have.

Try to read:

вот, вор, вал, за, зал, зол, на, нос, нас, рак, грипп, грач, сон, сок, суп, ус, лук, жук, чан, чин, чек, хам, холл, храм

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