Lesson 2: Learn how to read in Russian

There are 16 Russian letters that do not exist in English but have familiar pronunciation. 

Бб - sounds like "b" in buy. Try to avoid a puff of air after the sound typical in English.

Гг sounds like "g" in get.

Дд - sounds like "d" in double. The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth.

Ёё - sounds like "yo" in York or like "o" in copy, obvious depending on the position in a word.

Жж - sounds like "s" in pleasure.

Пп - sounds like "p" in compassion. Try to avoid a puff of unvoiced air after the sound as typical for English.

Фф sounds like "f" in fasten.

Ии - sounds like "ee" in free.

Йй - sounds like "y" in oyster.

Лл - sounds like "l" in lock.

Цц - sounds like "ts" in that's.

Шш sounds like "sh" in ship, but with the tongue farther back in the mouth.

Щщ sounds like "shsh" in rush-ship. Try to place your tongue higher and more forward in the mouth than in English.

Ээ sounds like "e" in ebony. Try opening the mouth a bit wider than you do in English.

Юю sounds like the word "you" but faster. In some cases it sounds like "oo" in noodles.

Яя - sounds like "yu" in yummy. In some cases it sounds like "a" in after.

Try to read:

ёлка, им, ей, дай, май, лай, эй, эта, ют, яма, як, ял, байка, бал, бак, галл, гам, дам, дал, жал, кожа, пас, пат, падал, фат, фига, фотка, лом, лак, лот, цок, ишак, шапка, толща

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